Thank you for visiting Velis respects your privacy and we understand and share your concern about the privacy of your personal information. This notice describes our privacy policies. By visiting Velis website, you are confirming your agreement to the privacy policies described in this Privacy Policy, if you do not agree to these terms, exit this page and not access or use the website.

Information Collection and Use

We collect and store any information that you may enter on any of our web sites or provide to us in some other way. For example, when you place an order and/or sign-up for email communications and updates, we collect and store personal information so that we may provide the products and services that you have ordered or requested. Such information may include your name, address, age, date of birth, gender, education level, email address, telephone and fax numbers, credit card information and information about your interests and activities. You can choose not to provide certain types of information, but that may result in you being unable to use certain features of our website. We may also collect and store information about other people that you provide to us. For example, you may submit a person's name and address if you wish us to ship a product as a gift to a friend.

We may also automatically collect and store certain types of non-personally identifiable information whenever you visit any of our web pages. For example, like most commercial shopping websites, we use ‘cookies’ and we obtain certain types of information whenever your web browser accesses Such information may include the type of web browser you are using, the operating system of your computer and the domain name of your internet service provider. Most browsers accept cookies automatically but allow you to disable them. We recommend that you leave cookies ‘turned on’ so that we can offer you a better shopping experience. Utilities are available from third parties to help you visit websites anonymously, but use of such utilities may also prevent us from providing you with the best shopping experience at Velis Gems & Jewelry.

All personal information that we collect from our customers is used to improve our relevance to you and to improve your shopping experience with us.

We will not share the personal information which you provide to us except (i) for the purposes that you provided it to us, (ii) with your prior consent, (iii) as may be required by law as we reasonably deem necessary to protect Velis Gems & Jewelry or others from injury or loss, or (iv) with other persons or entities with whom we contract to provide services in connection with our website or other business activities. If we do share such personal information with a third party, we will, to the extent practical, require that the recipient protect that information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy. However, we cannot guarantee how such a third party will use personal information.

We sometimes use non-personally identifiable, summary or aggregate information that we collect to improve the design and content of our website and to enable us to further enhance your shopping experience with Velis. We may also share such aggregate information with third parties for that purpose.

SMS Policy

SMS notifications are sent only to those who have subscribed to Velis Gems & Jewelry's newsletters or updates. Subscribers' or customers' information will not be shared elsewhere; we respect your privacy.